Sunday, April 20, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours

Benjamin(my 3 year old) came down with rotavirus this Tuesday and has been miserable ever since. I had a million things planned this week and it all got put on hold, making my life much more chaotic and expressly off track. Thursday I had Activity Day and I had to cut it down to a half hour so we could at least get the invitations done for the upcoming Mother-daughter activity. Friday, I just couldn't stand to see Benjamin so miserable so I took him to the doctor and got some medicine to help him stop the vomiting.
Then to top it off, in the afternoon, Steven (my hubby) found out that his position was being eliminated due to the restructuring in ConAgra...are you kidding?
ANd then..yes it gets better...I get the runs, Steven is gone camping with the Boy Scouts, Soraya(my 5 year old) gets the runs, and my clothes washer quits working....
seriously, I should build an ark....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hope you guys are on the mend. What's up with the washer?